MoE · The Gospel of Eric

I hear the beating of wings above me but I cannot see any birds. The sound descends closer and gradually louder. I notice a shadow pass over, then a second one and begin to become frightened. I sense a presence above me and suddenly feel covered in cool shade. I hear in a feminine voice: "I am coming to you in a way you can understand. I am called Gabriel and I am here to help you. You took in a lot of water and I need to help you get it out.? pauses To do that I need to put my mouth on yours. It’s not like kissing, that will happen for you later", with humor. She puts her mouth to mine and breathes into it, filling my lungs. I began to cough out water with difficulty. After three attempts, "I’m sorry, we need to make sure it’s all out, or later tonight you might die in your sleep. Do you see that island off in the distance? Just focus on the island and don’t take your eyes off of it." I feel her apply pressure to my chest several times, instructing me and helping me to remove all the water.

Then "I was there when you were born, did you know that? I come first then Leila takes over. We are there for many births, and I remember yours. We have been watching you." Feeling my arms and shoulders, "You are so cold, you were in the water a long time. We have you now. Someone is coming to warm you, so lay there very still in the sun, get warm and wait for him. I’ll bring him to you now." I lay there and wait as if in a dream.

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