MoE · The Gospel of Eric
The Dark Beach

I wake up within my dream, still on a beach, with no island in view. It is dark and I am alone. There appears to be moonlight but cannot see the moon. I am wondering what happened to the others. Why am I here? A loud voice from the sky shakes me, "I AM THE FATHER, HE IS MY SON!" I'm stunned by it, reverberating in a deep tone at high volume. Then softer "I'm sorry, they said you were young but I did not realize you were so small. I'm coming to you in a way you can understand. Yeshua is my son. I am called GOD, Our Father, Allah, Yahweh, El, Jah and many other names." I don't recall each name he stated. They were numerous, with names that I recognized and some that were very short. These are my examples.

"I am sorry that I cannot come to each person in this way. Be sure to tell them that. My son does that for me. There are others, but for you, it’s him. Hopefully you won’t meet me again until the end of your time, each person will have that". With sympathy, "It really was too late for you. They have taken too long... My son wants to live again. He gave his life for me so he will have that. But it does not have to be through you. You are still his son, he chose you, he never had a child before. We can make a good place for you here, and he will visit you there often."

"Many people live good lives, and we can provide you with a good life, though it may take some time. But they have been watching you and my son thinks you can help us. Many people are talented and intelligent. For this role that is not enough. You already have "the gift", that is very rare. My son had that also. You were not judged for that in his day. But you have a soul that is even more rare, like that of a great person that lived long ago, long before my son. His name was 'Abraham'. You have been chosen from many others." Then lower, "This role will be difficult. It will take many years of hard work. People will do many horrible things to you. But no real harm will come to you. You will need to remember that. This is so you can say what may be difficult to hear. My son will take over. Don't worry, you will still be you. Life will become much easier then. People will want to worship you will need to let them. Don't try to forward alone. We will send help. Knowing all of this, will you help us?"

It's a lot to comprehend. So far I have been saved. I am grateful for that and I do want to help. I stall, uncertain and confused. Patiently, "You have some time, I can provide that." Within me grows some confidence, then gratitude, admiration, self-respect. Impulsively, I say "Yes!" Our Father presses further, "I need to hear you say it. Say 'Yes, I will help you'." I reply "Yes, I will help you." "Thank you, for helping us. I will send you back to him now... You should know that most people say 'No' to that question." Briefly, I'm struck with fear, questioning my decision, thinking of what "most people" would do. Then he adds, "That's why we chose you, because we knew you would say 'Yes'." I feel confirmed.

< The Sermon Receiving the Spirit >