MoE · The Gospel of Eric
Receiving the Spirit

The Father: "All done? Are we ready now?" Gabriel confirms. The Father asks, "Now which hand did we choose?", with slight humor. I hold up my left. "Let's get started then." The Father takes me into his arms again, takes my left hand and holds it to my heart and begins, "You are receiving my spirit. You have been chosen from many others, past, present and even a few future. You have gone before Our Father and agreed to help us. It will take many years and a lot of hard work, nearly 50 years!" He says with a slight laugh that implies while the challenge is great, his confidence is complete. He continues, "People will do many horrible things to you, many of them close to. But no real harm will come to you, especially when you come forward. That is what they will find difficult to understand. You will need to perish 2 more times, or nearly so, but each time you will be sent back. This is to prove to them and to yourself who you are, and to perfect your soul. People all around the world will hear your story and want to help, and you need to let them." I begin to feel the same sensations as before: the sound, the light, the exhilaration. It seizes me, but I am able to tolerate it. When you come forward, it will become much easier. You will still be yourself, but you will be able to work on whatever you want, and take as long as you want to do it. You will be worshiped as a living god, and you need to let them worship you. We know how you are. You will wear the robe. You will stand before them. You will hold up this hand and tell them that I am in you and you are me..." His voice fades off.

I regain consciousness, but still within the dream. The Father is still holding me as before. The light in place of his face can no longer be seen. I can only see darkness. Then a face comes into view faintly then disappears. Then again. Then gradually it comes into view but is lit from below which gives it a frightening appearance. He says "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you." He removes both our hands from the center of my chest. In my own light, his face becomes completely visible. He had been playfully using it to gradually show his face. This was the "hint" he promised. He has big brown friendly eyes and is smiling broadly. I notice he has no beard. "I removed it so you could see my face." There are deep arced lines from below his eyes down the sides of his face. "We didn't have protection from the sun like you have now." His long, distinctive nose appears to have been broken many times. "It doesn't hurt, not anymore... But yours will be kept perfectly straight, or nearly so." running his finger down the edge of my nose. His hair is medium brown and looks like a lion's mane. Individual strands are very finely wavy and catch the light. Now that I am certain who I have speaking to all this time, I look for evidence of the wounds on his hands. He says, "They are not there, up here." pointing to his wrists. Then, "You are too young." attempting to pull his sleeves over them but they are a bit too short to cover. "That doesn't hurt either, not now." Then he kisses me on the forehead and holds his face to mine. We sit for a while, me in his arms, spending some time together as father and son.

"We need to get you back soon. You have already been through the water today. We don't need to do that again." with dark humor. "So I baptise you in the name of The Father and The Son and in The Holy Spirit" while tracing the sign of the cross on my forehead. "Amen!" He looks around as if others are nearby and in a loud chorus, "AMEN!". Next The Father says "Rise!" and lifts me up by my wrists. Then loudly, "Can you feel the power of his soul?... And his light is so brilliant!" Gabriel adds, "It's difficult to look at." He bounces around me, like a child playing with a campfire. I'm unsteady but he holds my hand to balance me. Gabriel: "We can't send him back without protection." The Father: "And he will have it! From now on when you need help, you must call to me. Call to your Father to ask for help. You need to remember that... Go to your parents now, and tell them what has happened here." Gabriel nearly interrupts, "This is very important, you must drink water and not from the ocean. Find it quickly, as soon as you return."

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