MoE · The Gospel of Eric
The Sermon

The Father: "Lay back and let me talk to you." I lay back into his arms. "Unfortunately, sometimes conflict is necessary, in order to preserve yourself, but only as the very last resort. Many great souls were lost to world here, in defense of this island and this entire region of the world. Some of them are among those who will look after you. A great castle or fort once existed here. You are sitting within it right now, or in the middle of one of its walls. You will always be safe within these walls. 'The Father' provides that." When he said "The Father", I understood that he meant "Our Father" or "GOD". "There is the island she had you look at. It's not much of an island, but it must seem large to you since you are small. It was important because you could see the ships as they came in, but they could not see you. It's named for the eagle. That will be you, like the eagle, above it all. But it will come at a high cost to you personally. And this beach provided protection. As men would try to attack, they would be pulled under and back out to sea," then woefully, "like what happened to you."


"I have some experience on the water, maybe you have heard. Everything did not occur exactly as written. Small changes were made over time. They were trying to help, and they did help. We saved some soldiers from drowning, and they were trying to kill us. And we healed people, that did happen, but it was their own faith that healed them. The Father provides that also. Sometimes they would get better immediately, and sometimes when we came back around, they had improved. You have good medicine now. Think for yourself, but take advantage of it when you can. If that fails, call on us for help." Then Gabriel adds, "We come to whomever calls us, that's what makes us different. Some people already have those they can call on and some don't want our help and that's fine too."

The Father reveals, "Gabriel was a physician."
"That's true." Gabriel replies.
The Father: "A great one."
Gabriel: "Thank you."
"You're welcome."

The Father continues, "And we took care of the poor. Can you believe they would want to kill us for that? How can you watch someone starve, especially a child? There are many good people on this island. Some of them don't have much but that doesn't matter! That you are good, that is what matters. Rebuild this castle. Invite others to experience its protection and give it the people of this island to take care of when you are done."

I don't think that The Father was denying that the miracles occurred, but that all the accounts of them in the bible may not be completely accurate. And he was understated and modest. So he gave examples of acts that any of us could do, a way of performing our own miracles of forgiveness and compassion that is within our abilities. If the miracles he performed as stated in The Bible help you to put your faith in GOD, I think he would want you to believe in them. I have personally witnessed things that align with many of them.

Being a Parent

The Father: "The birds fly over here. They fly from here to there, and from there to here." motioning across the sky. "They are almost all gone by this time of the year." apparently a reference to their yearly migration. "They saved many lives when there was nothing else to eat. They would shoot them with arrows, arrows and guns" pretending to draw back a bow. "You play with toys that look like them, and that’s OK. Children played with things like that in my time, like toy swords. But remember that you are playing with a weapon, and don’t ever point a real gun at anyone. That's something we will need your help with. It will be difficult. But it should not be so easy to kill someone simply because you disagree with them. If they had those in my day I would not have lasted long. You will have children of your own some day, and you will need to make sure they are raised up right! Be there for them when they get up in the morning and when they go down in the evening when that's possible. And sometimes throughout the day when they need your help. That is being a parent."

In Sympathy for Mothers

The Father: "It is very sad when a mother loses her unborn child, because she carries it within her. But life begins at birth, at birth. Where did they get this idea? It is not even mentioned in the bible. That's why it called a miracle because it is a miracle. You are creating a new person." Gabriel adds "We need to make sure that the child is safe before providing a soul, a few days after the child is born". The Father continues "Otherwise a child would be born at the moment it is conceived. It doesn't make sense. It has to grow within her. What type of men are they that they would ask a mother to be responsible for the death of their own child? You could ask them that. Let them write laws. That is not up to me, and that's not your role either. It depends how people conduct themselves whether laws are necessary. What if every mother decided to end her pregnancy? There would be no more children. They write laws about lots of things. Maybe they should write some laws about those guns. You could call it compassion or sympathy for mothers. I'll leave that up to you." Being young I did not understand all of this until much later, which was the case for many things that I was told.


"And I need to talk to you about someone else. They are called 'Gays', or those like them. You may be too young to know about them. We prefer marriage between one man and one woman in most cases. But there is nothing wrong with the way they [Gays] live. I know what the bible says. Don't worry about that. I know they can take care of themselves, but I need you to help look after them. They are kind and we need more people like them. I know there are exceptions, that's true within any group of people. But they are kind and they should not have to suffer for it."

Understanding the Bible

"You won't understand all of the bible at first because you are young. That's OK, it will come to you over time as you grow older. Also, not all of my followers were present at the same time." I understand now that he meant the disciples. "Of course, at the end of my time, we were all gathered together, but before then we were not all together at once. And what happened to me, it was not only the Jews that caused it. It's true that they were among those who brought charges against me, but in the end there were many different people present, an angry mob. And what was written after my time, I had nothing to do with that. Beautiful writing, but it did not come from me."

The Robe

Being a child, I became distracted. I noticed his robe piled beside us. I reach out towards it, woven, brilliant white. The Father says "What do you think about that? You can touch it. You will need one of those for yourself one day. She is wearing one also", speaking of Gabriel's robe. I touch the hem, pressing it with my finger. I said "It’s empty", since it had appeared to be filled. "Very good" he said, "You could say that it is hollow. There’s a trick to that, you have to turn the fabric." appearing to turn the edge of something laid out flat before him. "How those women would complain about how much fabric it took. That’s called a 'Hong Kong Finish'. You should be able to find someone to help you make one when the time comes, or maybe you could make one yourself. Use pure linen, mixed with nothing else throughout, the best and whitest you can find. Definitely not silk, though it’s beautiful fabric. Did you know that’s made from insects? At least it comes from them. I had to live off of them in my time in the wilderness. YUK, I think you would say. To me, that's not food. I know it’s all part of his [GOD's] plan, and everything has it’s place. The birds require them to live. But I don’t like them. Use their design but use our fabric."

He continues, "Use two or three layers if you can afford it. It will keep you cool when it’s hot and warm when it’s cold. It needs to be loose, not so tight as the Islamicists though that’s fine, but it needs to be comfortable. Not like a dress, that would not look right. Finish all the edges. Add no decorations of any kind. Down to the elbows and to the knees or just below. I'll leave that up to you. And you can wear a wide leather belt. That would look right. And cover yourself well underneath. We don't want to give the wrong impression. Something dark would be good. When you put on this robe, I will be in you and you will become me. Be sure to tell them that when stand before them to speak."

Request for a Portrait

The Father remarks, "I hear you like to draw. Do you like to draw and paint?" Gabriel adds "Yes, he does". The father continues "I know you cannot see my face right now but someday I would like you to draw or paint my face. Maybe a painting would be better, they would want to see that. Can you do that for me, to show them what my face looks like? Don't worry, I will give you a hint." I respond that I will.

Choosing a Hand

Concluding his "sermon", "You have listened well, so I have something to give you now. Which hand do you use to write?" I am ambidextrous at this age so I become indecisive and a bit confused. I say that I use both hands to write. Understanding I am actually in peril because of time, The Father becomes impatient but still cheerful, "This may take too long". Gabriel asks, "Which hand do you draw with?" I say that I use the right hand. Evidently, they lack sense of direction. Perplexed, The Father admits "I'm sorry, I don't know what that means. I only know [sounds like] d'somoloa d'qariyb, b'yamiynoa d'qariyb", which is Aramaic phonetically for left hand, right hand. Gabriel instructs, "Hold up the hand you draw with". I hold up my right hand. "Now we have it, good." He takes my left hand and says "Be sure to protect this hand. Hold it up when you stand before them to speak to show them where you received the spirit. Not out front like the 'Evil One' but up high so that they know that you mean it. We know how you are", meaning shy or reserved. The "Evil One" is likely a reference to a past ruler. I'll leave it to you to speculate whom.

The First Attempt

The Father offers, "I have something to give you." He extends his hand. I reach in to retrieve what he has for me. He opens it but there is nothing there. "You thought I was going to give you something? Not like that, take my hand." He grips my hand firmly and places both our hands on my heart. He begins, "I have chosen you as my son, and so you will continue my work." An exhilaration seizes me. A faint ringing in my ears grows gradually louder, then transforms into a sound like rushing water. A bolt of light passes through me vertically, just behind my eyes. The sensations all build into an overwhelming, euphoric anxiety, like falling in place. His voice begins to fade, "People all around the world will hear about you and want to help. And you need to let them help you." Gabriel adds "We know how you are" because I prefer to do things by myself. I began to perceive myself from the outside. The Father grows concerned, "What's happening to him"? Gabriel alarmed: "He's fading". Concern nears panic. The Father asks, "Are you sure you removed all the water"? Gabriel's retort, "Yes, see for yourself". Then both of them commanding me "Look at the island, focus on the island". The father: "Is Leila here?". Gabriel replies, "Yes, nearby." She arrives quickly and they ask "What do you think is wrong with him?" Leila remains composed, "He appears to be passing on. Did you have him look at he island?" They both respond, "Yes!". The Father says "I'll be back" and leaves quickly. The island fades from view. It's as if I am pulled backwards down a trail quickly. I grasp along the way but I am unable to prevent my regression. It goes dark.

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